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HearthStone Equinox Wood Stove Basics

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The Hearthstone Equinox is unique in its ability to heat a home up to 3500 square feet. The even, consistent warmth dispersed through the soapstone prevents the "hotspot" associated with a metal stove.  The 4 cubic foot firebox provides for up to 12 hours of burn time with up to 16 hours of heat life released from the thick panels of soapstone.  If you have a large home you wish to heat with wood or want long burn times, this is your stove!   Wood heat can be very economical, while also offering the benefits of a beautiful flame, relaxing warmth, romantic ambiance and independence from electrical dependency. Regarding environmental concerns, strict EPA regulations have helped wood stoves become popular across the nation. EPA-certified stoves now burn 72-82% more cleanly than those of the past, making wood's former reputation as a dirty fuel obsolete. Wood has a much higher BTU capacity than gas and wood is also a renewable resource. Trees are being replanted at an unprecedented rate, which also helps improve air quality, as trees use carbon dioxide to produce more oxygen. You can count on wood being around as a reliable and clean source of fuel for years to come. You don't have to be dependant on foreign fuel sources. And you will stay warm even if your power goes out.

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