You can install your own Wood Stove Chimney!
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[caption id="attachment_566" align="aligncenter" width="174"]
Wood Stove Chimney Diagram[/caption]
Here's a do it yourself project that you can accomplish in a few hours on the weekend. First a word of caution. Wood Stove Chimney can be dangerous if not installed properly, so be sure to follow all the chimney pipe manufactures instructions and all the wood stove manufacturers installation instructions from their owner's manual. You can click here to find owner's manuals for many wood stove models. You can order everything you need right on our website. We have wood stove chimney order forms that start with a basic chimney system that you can add parts to as needed.
Here are a few things to consider before you get started:
Your internal pipe size (6 inch or 8 inch ID)
Single wall stove pipe or double wall stove pipe interior? - (check your stove clearances to decide)
Height from stove top to ceiling support box - This determines how much interior pipe will be needed, depending on how far the support box hangs into the room if it is a sloped ceiling.
Ceiling pitch-slope - This determines which support box you'll need.
Roof pitch - This determines which roof flashing you'll need.
Height from ceiling support box bottom to the top of the pipe - The pipe must extend 2 feet over nearest ridge or surface within 10 feet horizontally.
Once you have all your wood stove chimney parts together, lay out the position of the stove on the floor based on the stove manufacturers clearances to get the position of the center of the flue. Drop a plumb bob down from the ceiling to see where the pipe needs to penetrate . Keep in mind that the support box will need to go through your ceiling supports, which typically are 16" on center, so you may need to place the support box offset from where the stove sits and use elbows inside the room to angle the pipe back to it or change the position of the stove.
Once you have determined the position of the support box, you can then find the proper spot for the roof penetration and cut your hole. You'll need to follow the pipe manufacturer's instructions and be sure to maintain a 2" clearance to any combustibles. On a typical composition roof, the roof flashing would be installed under the shingles on the upper side of the roof and over the shingles on the lower side. The wood stove chimney coming through the flashing is sealed with a high temperature sealant around the pipe and then the storm collar is squished down over the sealant. Another bead is then put around the gap on top of the storm collar to complete the job.
Click here to go to our web site where you can easily order any chimney system from standard systems to all the options. Or copy and paste this url address in your browser
Watch the video below for a review of a wood stove chimney installation components.